"New Leaders Magazine" August issue 2014

Special talk

  -The situation of international politics and economic strategies
   in the Pacific and Indian ocean  [a serial in three installments,#2] -

   The geopolitics in the peripheral area of the Eurasian Continent
   at the beginning of the 21st Century

Stuart Alan Becker (Myanmar Times, Senior Business Development Officer)
Hajime (Jim) Fujiwara (Freelance journalist, Director of Cosmic Wisdom Research Center)

Expansion lines of China and the role of the ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)

Becker: In addition to the aggressive expansion into Africa for its natural resources, China is breaking through to spread her hegemony into the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans specifically into the Sprathy Islands region. It is a very serious problem from the perspective of world geopolitics. We can now understand its importance to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) as it to reaffirms its geopolitical role as an organization. The world is not yet aware that they have been abducted. Dr. Fujiwara has pointed out that Taiwan and South Korea have shown themselves to be cowards and he uses the term "abduction" to describe them. I would like a more in-depth insight into this topic. I think we need approach to matters from another angle.

Fujiwara: Without knowing the historical background, these topics cannot be easily discussed due to the semantic importance of the word "abduction". As long as we are not speaking the same language, we cannot begin to address the heart of the problem.

Becker: Let us fill the holes in the background through my own experience as a journalist. I went to the United States at the end of last year to interview Professor Chomsky from MIT then, I summarized it in an interview article. In the February 5th issue of the "Bangkok Post" of Thailand, my article was published concerning the Wiki Leaks incident about freedom of speech issues and the democratic system.

Fujiwara: Your interview with Dr. Noam Chomsky was very interesting on US policy. Professor Chomsky's remark concisely summed up history in the last half-century. The unfortunate situation now, is that addressing any controversial issues with any criticism is no longer possible in Japanese published media. There is more freedom in Thailand's press today, than in Japan. Under the Abe Administration, all courageous opinions have been usurped by the media censorship with the Government interference at an all-time high.

Becker: Thank you for your positive feedback on my article and as they say: "The pen is mightier than the sword". The more pertinent message from this saying is about the power of speech. We live in times when media has actually lost its core-vigor. Journalists should be burning with a mission to speak out with courage remarks. Dr, Fujiwara, you are the Japanese Chomsky, I intend to interview you thoroughly so together with the past and present interviews on the Asian political situation can result in a piece that will allow us to introduce your revolutionary thoughts to the world.
To do so, let us begin from the geopolitics of the Far East which I believe is today, a particular blind spot for the world. China is significantly involved everywhere in this region, so before we return to the Southeast Asia problem, I would like to by all means hear your opinions on the political situation in the Far East.

Fujiwara: I quit being a commentator 30 years ago, because it is neither my role to teach nor to explain matters as would a teacher. The answers should be sought on your own since I am a strong believer in self-conviction rather than through persuasion. Interviews are only one form of communication though it is not necessarily my preferred form. I would prefer a dialogue, however, let's get started.

Becker: Becker: As an American born in Zama City, Japan, I thought up until now that I had a good grasp on Japanese politics. However, after reading your book "Japan's Zombie Politics" Dr. Fujiwara, I underwent quite a shock as well as a period of enlightenment. Could you share with me, the motivation behind your writing which is far from being patriotic and second, I would like to hear about the reaction from your readers?

Fujiwara: I am an observer, Stuart, rather than a writer. I do not want to write for the general public because my writing is only an historical testimonial for future generations. "Japan's Zombie Politics" is a book that not only traces its politics back in history, but also discusses Japan's deep political inside-history. It touches upon issues that belong in the world of taboo. The Japanese version of this book never received any book reviews due oppressive forces, in addition to secret book-burning activities. I published an English version in Taiwan so as to have it accessible to the rest of the world. I then, donated 700 copies of my book to University libraries all over the world as a reference.
Taboos are confusing for foreigners, without knowing the hidden history behind them; it simply is not possible to understand the core political problems of any specific country when it is not one's own. Similar to the foundations of modern economies being based on the premise of wealth accumulation even through activities such drug trafficking and slave trade. These are facts that have been wiped out of historical records. It is similar to striking a vein of gold in the ground. It takes a great deal of expertise to amass the courage and wisdom to get it right on the first try.

The Chinese expansion routes through the Far East Triangle: Japan, Taiwan and South Korea

Becker: So, let's address the reason behind this cowardice on the part of both of these countries, Taiwan and South Korea. Is Japan by any chance also a coward? One could say that Japan has also been taken over by China with its conspicuous weakening of its GNP and its foreign exchange reserves with the recent economic slump. I would like to know how Japan will try to realize the recovery of their national power?

Fujiwara: Allured by the bait of money, Taiwan and Korea have now realized that they are fully invested in mainland China. Enormous amounts of their capital were invested and have now become hostage to China.
Both Taiwan and Korea's economic strengths were accumulated through the US market which was then transferred through the funds that were then invested into China in exchange for cheap labor costs. Unfortunately their investment also became hostage by the abduction and there is now an unbalanced dependence on them. The poor management in addition to rising labor costs cornered them. Even if bankruptcy was inevitable, the blame was put on retirement funds or penalty payments. The result was simply a disastrous state such that neither penalized the investor, seen in the case of the management people who committed suicide, nor in the funds that were being confiscated.
On the other hand, Japan had also setup factories in China therefore, it couldn't advance alone without leaning on the cultural knowledge gained from the Taiwanese and Hong Kong Chinese. Japan did not fall into the same quagmire as the Korean and Taiwanese because they did not allow their capital to be taken hostage because of their cautious attitude. It is said: "The Japanese do not cross bridges even if there is a stone bridge" - an epithet's from the old days. There is a similar saying for Koreans that goes as follows: "They will cross the river even if there is no bridge" - essentially saying that Koreans will cross any river whether they actually thought of crossing it or not. A third saying about the Chinese also exists which goes as follows: "After they cross the river, they will burn down the bridge". These examples of epithet teach us in fact that there are significant, underlying differences in attitudes depending on each culture.

Becker: The construction of high-rise buildings in Phnom Penh, Cambodia has stood weather-beaten and unfinished for many years in the middle of its own financial difficulties in Korea. The significant investment of China in Africa is a similar manifestation. China has mainly engaged in road and dam constructions while introducing a large amount of its own people for labor. Their territorial ambitions in the area are very representative of their attitude.
The Chinese have also noticeably penetrated in Korea by taking up citizenship in order to purchase land.
Dr. Fujiwara pointed out to my attention something that I had not, to-date been aware of. It appears from the outside, similar to Tibet and Inner Mongolia invasions - it is an invasion through territorial expansion.

Fujiwara: It is indeed. When internal stability was realized in China, history shows that its expansion and aggression overflowed into its bordering zones. However, through civil war all the way to the Cultural Revolution - essentially from the 1950th to 1980's - the Chinese were so desperate to get out of poverty. It is a fact that Japan 35 years ago, during that period, was an economic strength that was pulling up its neighboring countries. The Japanese people realized their national dream of prosperity but Japan bashing in trade disputes was a big issue for the United States
I thought there was a chance that if Taiwan and Korean economies could develop enough it would alleviate the Japanese in their struggles. I crossed the Pacific Ocean from the United States many times to visit Asian countries. I have also visited Korea more than thirty times, in addition to living in Taiwan where I was invited to live for nearly two years. During this timeI also visited nearby China also close to twenty times.
I had many personal connections to reliable information that one receives, as a freelance journalist while I also consulted for the University Chancellor in California. The intuition on reconnaissance work and analysis of cultural psychology were accurate assessments due to my strong expertise in analysis and historical analogy.
My knowledge of the pre-war era history of the Korean Peninsula & Manchuria during the period of the Japanese colonization traces their independence after the WWII as a result of the division between South and North Korea.
According to the type of judgment based on the evolutionary course of human history, former colonies attempted to purify the mark of their suzerain country. Based on the historical law and wisdom after their independence, North Korea adopted a pseudo-imperial regime, characterized in the absolutism while South Korea became a near police state with financial cliques. After in the Cold War and the break of the Korean War, both countries became hostile over the 38th parallel. Seoul, the capital of South Korea was located too close to its frontier line causing a great deal of anxiety for South Koreans - at that time, the hopes for overseas immigration was at an all time high and then first priority. The Tungusic people were originally from Manchuria and Siberia. They were known as the warriors of the equestrian, ethnic nomadic system - widely distributed throughout the mountains of North Korea. Contrary, farmers belonged to the Wa group which has now settled on in the Southern Korean Peninsula as well as in western Japan. They continue to spread out in communities, across the Tsushima Strait, and started a wave of immigrations towards the Japanese archipelago.
The Seto Inland Sea is an extension of the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Genkai, along the coast of Japanese Mediterranean Sea. The Wa and Yamato tribes settled in this region, then also spread towards the Sakai, landing at the harbor all the way to the end of the sea. 1500 years back when the Yamato tribe had settled in Asuka, they even made Nara, the capital city. This type of colonization pattern was demonstrated by the Roman Generals such as Julius Caesar who sent military expeditions beyond the Dover Strait, conquering on its path, the people of Gaul and Britannia. As one says: history always repeats itself.

The Era of the French Revolution and the birth of nation-state and colonialism

Becker: It looks exactly like history is repeating itself.

Fujiwara: The core of China's history holds many resemblances to that of Korea. The First Emperor of the Qin dynasty made the Terracotta Warriors, 2200 years ago and founded what is known as the First Empire. The model of Qin dynasty is similar to an ancient model found in the Persian Empire during its very belligerent and centralized system from which comes the ethnology of such a warrior population. At the end of this ruling period, another dynasty called the Han began in B.C. 206. This Chinese system was destroyed with the spread of civil war and the plague after it was controlled by nomadic Turks and Mongolians who created continent-nations, known as the Tang and the Yuen dynasties.
The Han Dynasty refugees grew and developed with these Chinese characters and cultures mostly through the Hakka and overseas Chinese and the establishment of this Chinese system. Another historical analogy becomes clear with these breeding patterns under such dynamics, showing it transcendence through time and space and for which we now have what we call civilization and cultures.
Nation states and people are merely artificial concepts inspired by the French Revolution. The custom and language of each local culture belongs to each of these nations.
I look forward to hearing his comment about Korean society. Mr. Lee Kikou, the president of the "Korean Economic Journal," has been a reader of my books since the first one called: "The Oil Crisis and Japan's Fate" which was published in April 1973. He told me an interesting story that he held me to complete confidentiality. He shared with me, that most of the senior government officials - including the Korean chaebol - and also military personnel mostly controlled the power of South Korea - including an equestrian family lineage that came from the North.
The same pattern was seen in Chinese politics with the likes of Hu Yaobang (General Secretary of CPC), Hu Qili (Politburo Standing Committee), Hu Jintao (Former Chairman of PRC) - they appeared to be genuine Chinese to any Western eye, but the reality was that they were different ethnic and governing ruling groups. The Hu family belonged to a nomadic tribe also. In order to understand with any accuracy these parts and parcels of history, it is critical appreciate the real Chinese character.

Becker: But perhaps, it is all too sophisticated and the resolution of such problems may run the risk of falling into the trap of practicing racism?

Fujiwara: This understanding of history can clearly underpin the importance of ethnic disputes that are currently occurring in these regions. The State can be placed in the framework of a territory, making itself the cause for ethnic recognition and it turns out as the source of many modern diseases. This tendency is nothing more than tolerance to a problem that addresses diversity, similarly to the relationship between orthodoxy and heresy. The history of heresy is seen in witch trials and the Inquisitions - which in in of itself teaches us about their problems. When one looks from the angle of physiology and pathology, the common problem is posed by a question of immunology to become of self and non-self. Understanding of the Western symptomatic medicine today is the same as a treatment of diving cells divide at an abnormal rate resulting in the medical community to conclude that the cause is actually a disease. Here, heresy and thought exclusion are valid measures although inadequate in terms of understanding symbiosis.
During the Cold War, a similar approach on the principles of freedom and equality, were used as concepts that put at odds the question between liberalism and communism In other words, freedom and equality are philosophical dichotomies from a human level, but can be developed from a much high level of understanding such as the Universe. Liberalism is directly related to chaos but Communism is related to Order and Control. These concepts belong to the realm of belief on a human/social level so that modern people can easily grasp the concept. Under the current information revolution, however, the framework that we know and use of the nation-state is collapsing with globalization. The spreading of the idea of the structure of the Universe through the "M-theory of 12 dimensions", it is necessary to develop a new paradigm. As such is understood that the greatness of Nature expands beyond the infinite and the infinitesimal. The ku-u (emptiness) of Buddhism and the mu (nothingness) of Taoism, I would like to re-introduce my theory on Holocosmics.
The model the freedom and equality includes both polarities and can now be replaced by the laws from a Universe approach. A worthy 21st Century construct, we can now conceptualize the laws by Regularity (instead of Equality), and replace Freedom by anomalies that we can call Irregularity. This transposition from the human to the Universe, allows for a new system to exist which can be called the Universal System. Topologically speaking, this philosophy and thought-process can be represented by the form of a torus - which is upheld in the latest models in dynamic geometry.

Becker: I'm not even sure what can even be said on dynamics geometry and topology. Can you shed some light on those concepts, more specifically?

The Explosion of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and the intentional lies of Japanese government regarding the fate of the ruined nation

Fujiwara: The secret cannot be expressed in words and could only be represented by a symbol or allegorical images. These have been used in mathematic equations for centuries up until the modern era. These formulae however are not useful in representing areas beyond zero and infinity. Only geometry helps us to understand such Universal Principles. To summarize the 20th century, I submitted to the Bulletin of the International Earth Environment University (IEEU) a paper entitled, "Holocosmics". This was in my hypothesis, a contribution for the human race on its final year of the 20th century. The article was published in January issue of 2000 and a shared with you, a copy of this article. A Japanese translation was then been published in the "The Funai" monthly magazine in April, 2012.
One of my readers who had a special connection to the Imperial Court, asked at the time of publication, an autographed versions of the original Bulletin and presented it to the Crown Prince. Once delivered, the feedback was that the Crown Prince indeed had already read it. I was astonished by the power of intelligence within the Imperial Court. The depth of the Crown Prince's training as an Oxbridge's student had resulted in a man of talent with foresight and strength from the British Intelligence Network. Clearly, the Imperial household still keeps very strong ties with royal families in Europe, which is to me quite striking.
When the Crown Prince visited Cambodia in July, 2012, you interviewed me when you were writing an article about his concern. In this article in "The Phnom Penh Post" you wrote about his interest in water and the environment. In order to better understand these topics, you mentioned that torus thinking will certainly open one's mind into the future. You even used a torus figure at the top of your article, do you do remember?

Becker: Yes, I do remember the article and the Torus figure, but I did not think that it addressed the issues of freedom and equality.

Fujiwara: You touched upon the 3.11 earthquake on 2012 and the ensuing nuclear disaster at Fukushima. You wrote in your article about the Crown Prince's eager involvement with environmental issues, showing his solidarity towards mankind. You also introduced, the movie "Thrive". The Crown Prince's show of concern for the environmental pollution and the radioactivity contamination of Fukushima's nuclear power plants were primarily because of the long-term impact on life on earth. The immediate effect on Fukushima's children was nosebleeds with potential longer-term effects on their immune systems.
After the disaster, the emperor visited many times the areas where there were victims of the nuclear disaster and the result was that he too fell a victim to a mycoplasmic disease due to his exposure to radiation. The Japanese government, however, continued to announce that the pollution damage is minor whilst the officials hid critical information to try and manipulate the press to collaborate with their lies.
It is well known fact that German and French reporters visited the areas to investigate the Fukushima accident site, and that they continued to disclose the truth on the situation. Detailed results from the Chernobyl accident had preempted the United States government to warn Americans including the military service personal, to stay clear of the Fukushima area by at least 80 kms. If eighty kilometers is considered to be the danger zone, Tokyo and Yokohama certainly would be included in such measures, though Japanese authorities did not take such emergency precautions for their own people.
The Japanese Government announced that the people were safe outside a twenty-kilometer radius. This type of deception is completely the doings of the Abe Cabinet who were left to lower the safety standards, twenty times less than those of the rest of the world. It was clearly a nuclear explosion rather than the official announcement of only a hydrogen explosion of the reactors #3. The #4 reactor that nearly collapsed was pluthermal and were there an explosion it had the potential to annihilate Japan. Although fifty-four nuclear power plants exist in Japan and on Japanese Islands, this region is the world's largest earthquake zone. All of the nuclear power plants on the island of Japan can withstand only earthquakes of a seismic intensity of at least 6 on the Richter scale.
An enormous amount of plutonium is stockpiled for future nuclear weapons in a secret location. Radioactive garbage is being produced on a daily basis and there is clearly no storage location. As a result, radioactive water is dumped in large quantities in the Pacific Ocean every day. The destruction to the environment is a fact. But the Japanese government feels no responsibility and instead, Abe stresses that it is "all safe".
The lies do not end here. Shinzo Abe is obsessed with the Olympic games and during the invitation speech at the Olympics Committee meeting, he ferociously stated: " No, there are no problems at all. The contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is completely blocked within a three square kilometers" But, this is outrageous bullshit and the most vicious lies within lies. Abe has no shame and blatantly lied to the world.
According to the plans for the Olympics to be held in Tokyo in 2020, a casino will be built in the Tokyo Bay. The largest industry in Japan now is no longer the automobile industry, but that of pachinko. A huge gambling interest controls the pachinko gambling industry, 20 times the size of the one in Las Vegas. Prime Minister Abe and the Governor of Tokyo are going straight into the Olympics for political gain while the games themselves are being exploited by these shenanigans right under the eyes of the world. The United States is the birthplace of game theory. The tactical ploy to use the Olympics as a stage for Abe's lies will therefore be not accepted. The American personality hates trickery and will doubtfully be taken as a blind fool. The World did not simply overlook the nuclear accident because of the critical problems ahead for its civilization. There is a worldwide need for accountability that does not allowed for the postponement and deception such as Fukushima nuclear incident.
Usually, the United States plays the role of the self-appointed world police and in the face of Abe's nonchalant lies, these crimes should face a criminal court awaiting punishment. Abe taunts the whole world with his own praise for the Yasukuni Shrine where war-criminals are enshrined. How dare he deny the mistakes of his past ancestors and not change his offensive attitudes?
Class "A" war criminals such as Hideki Tojo's were hung and on the same as the Ex-Crown Prince's (Current Emperor) birthday - which was no coincidence. Shinsuke Kishi who was also considered a class "A" war criminal and happened to also be Shinzo Abe's grandfather was however released on the same day from the same Tokyo jail of Sugamo. In exchange for Kishi's freedom, he was promised the role as a CIA spy. The US government is all too familiar with such procedures in order to put into place a puppet politician such as the traitor Kishi who is the grandfather of Abe then would became Prime Minister 4 years later.
When Abe visited the United States for an UN meeting a few years ago, Obama did not even invite him to dinner and rejected him also from the Summit meeting. A clear message of contempt was communicated by the US the president continued to ignore the self-righteous Abe. When both the Defense Secretary Hagel and Secretary of State Kelly visited the war cemetery of Chidorigafuchi (Tokyo), it was a show of their rejection of the Yasukuni cult and the Yasukuni Shrine.
Abe however showed no international, political sensitivity though his carelessness as he had already committed military disobedience to Washington. The United States displayed their own cumulative anger, reaching its boiling point on the day that Abe's childish mind could only use the excuse of the "collective right" as a defense to supporting the war effort of the United States, thereby justifying Japan's willingness to become warmonger.

Becker: How could you continue such ridiculous behavior that allows for a continuous state of recession? Would you want to at some level, the ultimate positive and stable outcome for your own country? Why don't the Japanese people cry out their outrage through public protests or by using the power of the pen through journalism to criticize these types of unacceptable runaway politics?

The development of ASEAN and the self-defeat of the Far East regions

Fujiwara: By applying the same election fraud model that allowed Bush to win the elections in 2000, the Abe Cabinet secured its overwhelming majority of seats in its Diet in 2014. Abe was able to stretch his dictatorship and continues to promote his brainwashing tools. Not only is there no more break-through in politics today in Japan, but the Japanese NSC (National Security Agency) has become a definite reality in censorship and the monitoring of information. Abe is on a gag-reign - a so-called obscurantist form of politics and mobocracy all wrapped in one. His tyranny through the use of power is not in even in full swing yet. Abe has tamed both the prosecution office and the police departments while stretching his "gag and search" towards a new order-which has forced the Japanese media to pull out its fangs.
I recently read an article in the "Phnom Penh Post" that mentioned that "Small Hitler has appeared in Japan, aggression politics start moving" and interestingly, this news source originated from North Korea via AFP (Agence France Press).
A few months ago, a similar type of information flowed through the Xinhua News Agency in Beijing. Unfortunately, this kind of analysis is too shallow because it demonstrates that the misperception that the Abe administration is only a bunch of far-right hawks in a political sense. The Japanese have no ambitions for territorial expansion and according to the provisions in the Constitution, belligerent behaviors have no place, even as a considerations in matters of self-defense under the situation of the collective self-defense provision.
Abe is currently in the middle of changing the Constitution for the worst, so that he can use military force due to his childish desire to want to go to war beyond Japanese borders to collaborate with US military operations. Frankly speaking, Japan can only get involved in war to defend its borders, historically similar to when Stalin was found in such a position. Moreover even if saucy Abe excites beyond control, he does not have the famous strategist Sir Basil Liddell Hart and only the Soka Gakkai who are classified as a cult by the French assembly, and the Moony who are a fanatical evangelical sect from the Unification Church with very strong ties with Abe, North Korea and Mossad. Abe is a Mickey Mouse politician who neither has political insight nor charisma like Josef Stalin as a leader in a critical time.
On the other hand, China will continue to expand the humanosphere up to its borders, similarly to the Nazi intentions. It is causing border disputes in all directions, particularly in both South and North China Seas in addition to Tibet and Uighur.
Also, China's following target is certainty South-East Asia and she founded an Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank with lots of illusions. Since ASEAN countries have future potential and Chinese is trying to use the hand entwined financial strength.
Moreover, China is now targeting one of the most valuable resources by land acquisition in South Korea and Japan for their own survival. Not only are they snatching up bankrupt golf courses but they are also preying upon the land beneath solar power panels and installations, steadily under unnoticed corporate names.
The use of money, based on a land title system was also used by Nazi under the guise of the New Economic rule. Chairman Xi Jinping is mimicking Hitler's economic policy. But in this case, there is no Dr. Hjalmar Schacht. The only successful replication will be highway networks and real estate business money invested by overseas speculators which is likely to end only with the collapse of the economic bubble.
Public spending after the Lehman disaster in 2008 of four trillion Yuan ($600 billions US) is also modeled after Nazi's new economic plan. The Beijing Olympics is also another mimicking of the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. It is only imitation but does not use any creative human resources. China is now only dependent on foreign technology and its name attached to product sealed "Made in China" but the problem is that even this label is now only a rip-off technology of overseas manufacturing groups. In short, the totalitarian regime in China is only an imitation of past historical players, Hitler and Stalin. But no matter how the blustering paper tiger appears, it is only a show of at the box office.
Human will often pettily grasp at power even though history teaches us that the end result is always tragedy. The fate of the vigorous bulls in Far East are the same as those that require a clean up in the bullring. The real question is who gets to eat the steak a table in the end if the bullfight arena. If we look back at similar stages in the human history, Russia was a ferocious bear sitting on the Eurasian continent while the United States represented the hungry hyena over the Pacific Ocean to wait for their main dish. Also, Arab and ASEAN countries surrounding the Indian Ocean only await the next dawn when the scenario and the prospect of Asian geopolitics.

Becker: Thank you for that very insightful tour through history but it is certainly a lot to take in at once as we have barely yet arrived to matters in Southeast Asia. Let us start the next discussion on the circumstances surrounding ASEAN countries and Cambodia. From a geopolitical point of view of Dr. Fujiwara is quite pessimistic regarding China and Japan but again, I am delightfully surprised at your insightful evaluation of the soft powers and the potential human resources.

Fujiwara: Based on the torus thinking, the inside is very deep and outside is extremely wide. It is therefore abetting the law of the universe on which we have explicitly developed this theory. In the era of the information revolution, it is necessary to find the sublimation of this dichotomy. We need to find a different order from the form of chaos as we are now at the start of a new century. Although nature has coexisted with order and disorder, the character of the torus is such that the inside-out and the outside-in makes up for its nesting structures and thereby instigates the dimension of Holocosmics.
( "New Leaders Magazine" August issue 2014)

Hajime Fujiwara : He was born in Tokyo in 1938. The Ph.D. in France's University of Grenoble in structural geology from the Faculty of Science. Through the petroleum geologist responsible for the oil exploration of multinational petroleum companies, and management of oil development. Founder of exploration companies in the State of Kansas and Texas in United States. Also consultant and worked as a freelance journalist and the consultant for the Chancellor of Pepperdine University in California.
Published more than 50 books such as "Dawn before the morning sun" (Rokusai-sha), "Smart Living", "Stamp Tyranny" (Seiryuu Publishing), " Fame of Cosmic Wisdom" (Hikaruland), "Japan's Zombie Politics," "Mountains of Dreams" (Creation Culture), etc.

Stuart Alan Becker : He was born in Zama Kanagawa Prefecture in 1961. Raised in Alaska USA. English Linguistics at the University of Wyoming and at the University of Hawaii in journalism.
Journalist Career: "East Arizona Courier" of Arizona, "South China Post" in Hong Kong. "Phnom Penh Post" in Cambodia and "Myanmar Times" in Myanmar. Currently Mandalay Bureau Chief.
Special interviews: Noam Chomsky, Bill Gates, Caspar Weinberger, Gerald Ford, etc. Many articles for "Phnom Penh Post" as a dispatched reporter in Cambodia.
Publication: "China Power Project Directory" in mainland China.

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